During this month’s board meeting, we will only have Officer’s Reports as part of the public session. No titleholder reports will occur. Once done, we will go into closed session with Empress Linda Summers to finalize all Coronation related items.
If there is something that you would like to bring to the attention of the board (that we can discuss internally), please send that to Board Secretary Nic Hunter (icsf1965secretary@gmail.com).
The doors to the vestibule must remained locked. As this is a shorter meeting, if you are not there by 7P, we won’t be able to go down to let you in after the doors are locked. If you would like to attend the public session virtually, we invite you to join us via Zoom.
Join Zoom Meeting here.
Meeting ID: 810 8606 9045
Passcode: 606716
Dial in option
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