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Emperors Night Out 2023

TMIM Emperor Michael Anthony Chua and Empress Cameron Stiehl-Munro in conjunction with The Imperial Council of San Francisco, Inc, host the Annual
"Emperors Night Out"

A tradition started by Emperor Steven Rascher and continues with the Reigning Emperor of San Francisco, going out and about through the City of San Francisco in drag for ONE NIGHT ONLY.

The festivities schedule is as follows:
Blackbird 4pm to 6pm with Bus departing at 6pm
Wildhawk 6:30pm to 7:30pm
Last Stop and Drop off at Midnight Sun at 8pm with festivities going on until.....

Tickets for the bus can be purchased at the door (IF AVAILABLE), don't hesitate, get your tickets online today!
Price is $15.

Ticket Link:

Net proceeds and 90% of gross raffle ticket sales benefit the Emperor's fund, part of the Imperial Council of San Francisco, a 501c3 non-profit in the State of California

December 8

Cows Contest Finale and Step Down of Mr Cowboy John Brett

December 10

Camp 101 - Celebrating Jose Sarria’s 101st Birthday